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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What is real poverty?

Real poverty...that is something that is with us every day here everyday in all parts of the world. You see begger's on the streets asking for money, food or any kind of handouts they can receive. Occasionally you see kind people hand them money for their hardships, and sympathize with them. Being on the reservation, I seen several poverty stricken and homeless individuals that were walking along the roadsides, or knocking on doors all over the neighborhoods hoping to sell what they can, or ask for something to eat. As I come to realize the conditions of these people through Movies, Television, Media, I realized that it was a part of life for individuals all over the world. The first time I had seen the worst ever of poverty was the African people where children were suffering with starvation, lack of food and water, medication, school and diseases that it hit me. This was something that I realized that needed immediate attention worldwide. It is heartbreaking to see people like this, in reality and on the media. Many televised public service announcements that request for donations to send out to the countries are one way of reaching out and recognizing these conditions. Poverty also comes to those that have are down and out due to financial situations that have occured with either their employment or loss of benefits. It will continue each day, and will not end unfortunately for things happen every day, from natural disasters which caused many people to lose their lives, homes, security and more like New Orleans, Haiti and now Japan.

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