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Monday, April 11, 2011

Are you following your Passion?

From the moment I stepped into this school, I knew this would be a huge step toward my lifetime passion of my dreams. I always loved movies, ever since I was growing up and remembering dad taking us to the theaters. I remember the very first movie that I recalled that scared me to death, Magic with Anthony Hopkins That is where my dislike for ventriloquist dolls became an obsession of what to avoid. But this alone also made me realize that my love for movies increased each year. From the beloved movies of Star Wars, E.T the extraterrestrial to Superman, Raider's of the Lost Ark, Jaws, I knew more and more that I was hooked. During high school, my collection began with the first movie I bought on VHS, which was Platoon. From then on, my video library increased and I owned all my beloved movies that I adored from childhood years to the newly released features. This continued to the next stage of DVD's. In my dreams, I always wanted to make my own movies, in my own style and characters, which I constantly imagined of. When I lost Brian 3 years ago, I felt I lost everything but in order to get through my grief, I purchased more movies, that increased my DVD library by 300. I saw it as a comfort to me for going through my dark hours and the movies uplifted me. When Brian was alive he always told me that I should go to school and make my own features...that didn't dawn on me until last year....around this time that I finally decided to take this step of going back to school and following my heart and passion. So there I was, signed in and starting classes in May...a bit intimidating since most of my classmates were all guys and so few women. But I made it through the 3 terms and now here I am a sophomore in the 2nd term of this year. It's amazing how much I have learned and what I was taught in these classes. With each step that I come to school is a moving progress towards my passions of which I am following. :)

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